Showing Kids Praise and Appreciation

By Adventurers

Sometimes, when we praise children it can have the opposite effect. For example, after telling them that they’ve done a beautiful painting, they might:

  • Deny it: “No it’s not, Johnny’s is much better!”
  • Doubt it: “Do you really like it?”
  • Feel pressure from the comment: “I don’t think I can do another beautiful painting”
  • Focus on what they can’t do: “I still can’t draw nice round circles though”

Our child care educators at our Wyndham Vale centre enjoy using alternative strategies when engaging with the children. For more ideas, make sure you read the book: How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen: a survival guide to life with children ages 2 – 7.

Have a try of these alternative strategies for praise and appreciation:

  1. Describe What You See
  • “I see some big blue lines going round and round and some straight red lines”


  1. Describe the Effect on Others
  • “When you make those faces to your little sister, it makes her really happy. Look at how she’s smiling at you!”


  1. Describe Effort
  • “You kept working on getting the two pieces of your zip together until you did it!”


  1. Describe Progress
  • “You just climbed all the way up to the top of the ladder by yourself!”

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