3 Things to Help Your Child Be More Successful

By Adventurers

At Adventurers, we want our children to be able to go into the world, with the confidence needed to pursue their goals and the resilience needed

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Setting Boundaries for Children – Helpful Tips for Parents

By Adventurers

Rules are a part of life, and we all have to abide by them. It’s never too early to set boundaries for your child, and in

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No More Food Fights: Have Healthy Eating Without a Battle!

By Adventurers

Food and sleep are some of the biggest challenges that parents have. If you can get a reasonable amount of sleep and not have to worry

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Tools for Resolving Conflict

By Adventurers

Conflict is an inevitable part of life so it’s particularly important that we equip out children with strategies to navigate differences of opinion. Conflict resolution skills

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Showing Kids Praise and Appreciation

By Adventurers

Sometimes, when we praise children it can have the opposite effect. For example, after telling them that they’ve done a beautiful painting, they might: Deny it:

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Tools for Handling Emotions

By Adventurers

In case there are any families out there that are having some down time over the end of year holidays, we thought it would be a

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